The PoL Journal

A thoughtful, well-researched destination to explore how our individual decisions not only affect ourselves, but other people, our culture, and the planet. 

quiet money




Adopting an Artisan's Work Model

quiet money

Adopting an Artisan’s Work Model: Sustainable Success

“The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there.”  — ROBERT M. PIRSIG, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values Many of us know that the hustle and productivity culture of the Western world simply doesn’t work, no […]

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August 9, 2021


Is Emotional Intelligence the Secret to Happiness and Success?

“In a high-IQ job pool, soft skills like discipline, drive and empathy mark those who emerge as outstanding.”  — DANIEL GOLEMAN, Author, Emotional Intelligence, Why it Can Matter More than IQ We live in a world that worships beauty, celebrity, athletic prowess, and graduate degrees in hard skills – such as math, medicine, computer programming, […]

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July 8, 2021


The Four Most Important Questions in Finding One’s Purpose

“Most of life is a search for who and what needs you the most.” – NAVAL RAVIKANT The search for meaning and purpose is one of life’s great existential tasks. We may not realize that’s what we’re doing when we leave a job, relationship or city of origin, or when we marry, choose a new […]

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July 8, 2021


Meet Our Founder: DeeAnne Chomiak

Although adamant about not making Philosophy of Leisure about herself, we couldn’t resist sharing more with you about who’s behind this brand. Our founder DeeAnne Chomiak, can be described as many things, answers to many names, is known for many accomplishments over her lifetime, and is well-loved for all the attributes of herself – which […]

July 7, 2021

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Our Guiding Philosophy and Ethos

The word philosophy is often broadly defined and loosely applied to just about any individual belief system, in any category, held by anyone. Yet, a true philosophy, also entails intimate study and application of such theoretical underpinnings within a particular field or discipline By definition, a philosophy is an examination and consideration of the “nature, […]

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July 3, 2021

A Whole Year
of Lovely

Somewhere along the way our society decided that being busy was a status symbol. And technological advances have enabled, and encouraged, us to be always available.
Yet leisure and rest help us to think more clearly, decide more logically, consume more wisely, innovate and create more freely, and connect more deeply. It's about having the space to build the life we choose, rather than having one thrust upon us, by default.

Five Prompts for a Less harried life